Naše koně

Ayishah Gadda

Ameer Gadda (CZ) Perigord (DE) Biquest (US)

Bask (PL)

Negotka (PL)

AA - Jasna (US)

Erystawi (PL)

Pierzga (PL)

Aysha (DE) Santhos (DE)

Pierrot (PL)

Saika (PL)

Amun Asikah (DE)

Amun el Kantar (DE)

Asahia (DE)

Sameera bint Sameer (DE) Sameer (DE) Mohafez (US)

Ibn Moniet el Nefous (EG)


Sabah (DE)

Ibn Galal (EG)

Mahiba (EG)

Deborah (DE) Ibn Mahasin (EG)

Ibn Fakhri


Dajema (GB)

Shihab Kid

Blue Sophonisba


Ayishah is an Arabian brood-mare. In 2011 she won the Silver medal in the Senior section in the National exhibition of Arabian horses. Ayishah has a wonderful spacious movement and a fine head. She is great and very undemanding mother.


Her father Ameer Gadda is a Reserve Junior Champion (Litomyšl 2000) and a Champion of 4-7-year old stallions (Prague 2005). From three starts in distance races he was placed 2x in 2nd place (20km) and 1x in 3rd place (25km).


Her grandfather Perigord became a Champion of 8-year and older stallions in exhibition in Liberec (2008). In the same exhibition he won the title "Jumper ACHPAK ČR".


Her grandmother Aysha was the Czech Republic Senior Champion (Litomyšl, 2000).



2011 Silver Senior Champion